Get Positive Today.

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The 3-1 Positivity Ratio: Barbara Frederickson

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to stay positive? Why ten good things can happen in a day and you find yourself circling all your thoughts and energy around the one thing that was troubling? Read on to find out why, and how to change this!

Defeating the Negativity Bias:

One of the reasons we focus on the negative is completely biological. Each one of us is born with an innate and unstoppable drive to survive. Our entire nervous system is set up to save us from absolutely anything we perceive to be a possible threat. This is aptly named the negativity bias and it is one of the reasons we naturally gravitate to the negative in our lives, instead of the good. Our brains are constantly on alert for any scary thoughts or feelings, ready to invoke the fight or flight response to our defense. This means the good that we feel and our positive experiences are noted, but they are quickly discarded to give our minds the bandwidth they need to protect us. We are simply designed to seek out and focus on the negative, troubling things in our life.

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Postivity Tool: The 3-1 Positivity Ratio

One easy, satisfying tool to effectively balance this debilitating tendency to dwell on the negative, is to consistently shift our focus towards the positive. The 3-1 Positivity Ratio developed by Barbara Frederickson directs us to intentionally script into our lives three positive heartfelt emotions or experiences for every single negative emotion or experience. This has been mathematically proven in numerous studies to tip the scales in our favor and lead to improved personal wellbeing. The 3-1 Positivity Ratio is a tool for a healthier balance that has been shown to increase happiness and success.

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From Languishing to Flourishing
Frederickson's research shows that actively creating a 3, 4 or even 5-1 ratio in your days will lead to flourishing: where you are happier, more productive, content and resilient A 2-1 ratio is where most humans live, which is just under a healthy balance. A 1-1 ration or less, you are languishing, or perhaps even depressed or ill. Although there is no way to prevent negative emotions and experiences such as grief, despair, anger, or frustration, we can learn not to make these feelings and events the main attraction of our precious attention. Negative emotions are real, they are often loaded with powerful information we can learn from and they offer fantastic perspective in our lives. Flourishing with the 3-1 Positivity Ratio means that we really need to know and perhaps even list everything that gives us authentic joy and do more of them! Every day. Yes, the prescription is: do more of what makes you happy!

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Ten Quick Ideas for Positive Experiences

The positive emotions offer us a broad selection of ideas that will produce the experiences that count as a positive event. Positive emotions include love, compassion, inspiration, service, hope, gratitude, awe and joy; just to begin. This means activities such as listening to a song, hugging a loved one, sending a heartfelt note, painting, gardening, going for a walk, a hot cup of delicious tea, helping someone in need, cooking a great meal, meditating, and even breathing deeply for two minutes all count as a positive event. The specific list of heartfelt events that make you feel positive will be completely individual; some will be speedy and some take time, but all will have the desired effect: to counter the negativity bias and cause us to flourish!

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